Planning your trip

How much in advance should I plan my trip?
As early as you can so that you have enough time to fully prepare. You can create your slow travel trip up to 5 days before your first travel day. Yes, that's the magic of slow travel!
How much does a trip cost?
A trip costs €35 per adult/day and €15 per kid/day (free until 2 yrs old).
What is included in my trip?
1. Day-to-day secret travel plan
Your trip is secret. You receive your first travel plan 3 days before you leave. Once you're on the road, you'll get your travel plan for the next day in the evening. Exciting!

2. Handpicked points of interest along your way
With the help of our slow travel experience and open data, we find the best routes and new places for you to discover.

3. Camp in the garden of an experienced host
With our fantastic ambassadors of Welcome To My Garden, we arrange a nice and safe spot for you to camp for the night.

Contribute to regenerative tourism: With your trip, you create a positive impact on local communities and economies around you. For each stay in a garden, a €5 donation (included in the price) goes to a positive impact initiative chosen by the Welcome To My Garden ambassadors.

4. Advice and support from experienced slow travellers
Our checklist makes it easy for you to pack. In case you need anything, we're here to help! During your trip, you can always reach us via WhatsApp to ask a question or just share your excitement!
What is not included in my trip?
1. Get your bike and equipment ready! Our checklist makes it easy for you to pack. In case you need anything, we're here to help!

2. You can either start cycling directly at the station or take the train to go to another station. In case you want to first travel by train, you buy your tickets directly at the station. We learned from other travellers that it gives you more flexibility.
When do I receive my secret trip in my inbox?
As soon as you confirm your trip, you will get a handy checklist so that you can start preparing your equipment. You receive your secret trip in your inbox 3 days before you leave, exciting!
Where does my trip start and end? 
Your trip starts and ends at your nearest train station in Belgium. We’re starting out with 1.000 multi-day trips in Belgium and plan to grow with you and go abroad as soon as possible.

Preparing your trip

Do I need a bicycle?
You’ll be riding with your own bicycle. Don't worry if you don’t have a bicycle, we will give you our best tips and tricks to find one. Either way, do a technical check of your bicycle at least two weeks before your trip to make sure you’re good to go. If you have any doubts, it’s best to pay a visit to your local bicycle shop beforehand!
What other equipment do I need?
You will carry your own equipment. To make it easy for you, we will send you a detailed checklist of everything you need to take with you. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the equipment yet, it’s absolutely normal when you start to slow travel! We will also give you our best tips & tricks on where to find or rent it.

During your trip

Where will I sleep during my trip?
With our fantastic ambassadors of Welcome To My Garden, a network of citizens offering free camping spots to slow travellers, we arrange a basic and safe spot for the night for you. It can't get more local and authentic than this!
What are the rules to stay with a Welcome To My Garden ambassador?
Our community-based approach promotes participation, involvement and trust. Very practically, you’re expected to respect nature (Leave No Trace principle) and respect your host and their neighbours by keeping the noise down. You can find all the rules here. Don’t forget to thank your host for their hospitality!
What do you mean with a basic spot for the night?
Welcome To My Garden ambassadors put their garden at disposal for you to spend the night. Facilities may vary from one garden to another. Some ambassadors might offer access to showers, others not. You’ll always have access to inside or outside toilets. Either way, we’ll tell you in advance what to expect.
Do you offer support during my trip?
During your trip, you can always reach us via WhatsApp to ask a question or share your excitement! We love receiving photos of slow travellers being happy on the road so make them come our way!

After your trip

What is included in the free membership?
1  Become part of our slow travel community: meet, ask your questions and hear stories from other travellers and WTMG ambassadors.
2. Receive slow travel ideas and inspiration: we keep you updated about the best slow travel ideas, inspiration and events.
3. Get access to new planning tools: be among the first to try new slow travel planning tools that we're going to build.
Can I get the membership without planning a first trip?
Not yet, one thing at the time! If you’re interested, sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest updates about Slowby.

Changes & refunds 

Can I easily change the dates of my trip?
Absolutely! Just send us an email to trips@slowby.travel with your new dates and we'll move your trip. Make sure to do this as soon as possible when you have your new dates and at least 5 days before leaving. Many thanks!
Can I cancel my trip?
Sure! However, as your first trip is made by real humans - and not yet by slow travel fairies - so we set up a few rules. Overall, cancellations must be sent to trips@slowby.travel mentioning your full name. The date on the email will be effective for this cancellation. Refunds are made within 1 month on payment method used at checkout.

Up to 30 days before first travel day
Cancellable: Yes | Refund: Yes, fully reimbursed

Between 30-7 days before first travel day
Cancellable: Yes | Refund: Yes, except for the single fixed fee of €30

Less than 7 days before first travel day and during the trip
Cancellable: No | Refund: No


What is the link between Slowby & Welcome To My Garden? 
Both operate under the same structure and were started by the same slow travel lovers. They both aim towards the same mission of making slow travel more accessible. If you’re interested to know more, visit the “About Us” page!
What can I expect from Slowby in the future?
We have big ambitions for the slow travel movement! Thanks to the first 1.000 trips, we will be able to develop new slow travel tools. We want you to have as many trips as possible to choose from. A lot of exciting things are coming up!
Are hiking trips available?
Not yet but it’s coming! You can sign up to our newsletter to receive updates.

Any remaining questions?

Drop us an email and we will be happy to help you!

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